She-Hulk Production Update

Jameela Jamil tweeted Saturday July 24th that she has approximately four weeks left on set filming her role as Titania for the upcoming She-Hulk series alongside Tatiana Maslany as She-Hulk, Mark Ruffalo’s Bruce Banner/Hulk, and Tim Roth’s Abomination. This could suggest that there’s more filming to be done after Jamil leaves the set, however that hasn’t been explicitly stated one way or the other. She-Hulk is still slated for a 2022 debut on Disney+.

Rumors also suggest that the Titania in the series will be the McPherran version, whose first appearance was in Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #3. Another key Titania issue is Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #7, which is her first battle against She-Hulk.

With all the theories that have sprung to life in the wake of the Loki finale regarding a Secret Wars arc culminating in Phase 6, how do you think the show might play out to fit into the greater MCU? As always, let me know your thoughts and theories in the comments!